Masks and Foggy Lenses
I’m doing my part and wearing a mask…Now how do I keep my glasses from fogging up? Now that many…
Mirror Coating: Fashion vs Function
Mirror coating services are a major part of our heritage here at North American Coating Laboratories. When we began our…
Using Polymer Optics in Harsh Environments
Polymer optics are being used in a much wider array of applications as the manufacturing processes becomes more refined and…
What is DLC Coating?
A quick overview of DLC coatings.
Hydrophobic vs Hydrophilic Coatings
This quick post should help outline the fundamental differences between the two coating solutions, and help you make an educated decision in which coating would be most beneficial for your program.
How Do You Test Optical Coatings?
This post should help outline the methods the coating industry uses and help you make an educated decision in which tests are most beneficial for your program.
Electron Beam vs Magnetron
what is the difference between electron beam and Magnetron Sputter deposition
“Thin-Film Coating for Military Eyepiece Displays”
Original Article in Novus Light. Today’s head-mounted eyepiece displays have to be tough enough to stand up to the harsh…
Coating Micro Optics
As consumer electronics continue to shrink in size and increase in functionality so too will the optics used to power…